
Black Hole.

I often take a trip down into my thoughts and reach a point where things are not complicated anymore. Where simple things are as simple as they should be.  

I remember building up better come backs in my mind after an argument that anyway never held any importance in my life, but losing which made me feel like a loser. Also building up scenarios that never happened nor will ever exist.

 I wonder why simple things aren’t that simple to attract. Whereas, the vibes you don’t want around you are just a gesture away. Instead,  keep wanting you more and more.

The vicious circle of not wanting and getting or wanting but not getting or  even wanting and getting somewhere pushes us back towards the not-so-deep insights . Thoughts that do not have roots. Thoughts that are flat. 

But we do not have to be flat. Nor our thoughts should. Our thoughts shall flow deep into our soul and touch the unknown parts of ourselves-Not letting the things that we don’t want around us be a part of us. 

All things that aren’t supposed to be, have more energy than what should and they feed on our thoughts. It’s more like a black hole with infinite times of more gravitational pull than the good things of life. 

In order to understand this deeply, i often sit and pull all the beautiful things into my thoughts leading them to my soul. Till i feel like the universe again. True. Awake. Neutral.

A beautiful verse from Shri Guru Granth Sahib says – Jo Brahmande Soi Pinde Jo Khoje So Paanve!  meaning, All that is there in the universe is in the body as well. He who searches for it, finds it.


If little by little, i start realising..

“Sitting under the twinkling lights of thousands of stars, i wonder-are they for real? Maybe they are little flash lights in the hands of kids out there, trying to find their lost football in the dark. And we are sitting on that football. Is our earth a football?” Reading this excerpt from a diary i found while cleaning my cupboard, i realized that my thoughts were much more insightful and real when i was a little girl.

I spent hours reading the diary i used to write in when i was a little kid. When my knowledge and my thoughts were not caged up according to theories and standards set by the people around me.  And the realization of being grown up and losing the little girl that was alive and open to the possibilities of the universe, hit me like a train. 

And at that moment, i lifted my head up towards the unknown possibilities of this miraculous universe and opened my arms and said- “You’re infinite! So am I. Because I’m a part of you and i love you!”. 

And while i said this, a sudden flash of energy triggered through my soul making me feel charged up. Charged from an infinite source of energy. Looking at the goosebumps on my hands, i said to myself- “I am alive today. And i will be alive throughout. Form or formless. I’m my creator’s creation. And i will never let him down.”

I have chosen this way to let my thoughts out in the universe and i hope everyone that reads these thoughts feels connected to the infinite. Here i leave you on a beautiful excerpt- 

“I shall praise thy name, for thou hast done wonderful things.”
